La gamma dei prodotti Euroterriflora: dai terricci universali e specifici per piante e fiori ai terricci per orto e tappeto erboso, dai substrati professionali ai substrati per gli hobbisti più esigenti. Completano il catalogo Euroterriflora una vasta gamma di prodotti per il tuo giardino come corteccia di pino, ciottoli, lapilli e pomice vulcanica.

Teolite Universal Soil with Pumice

Universal Gardener’s Potting Soil

Universal Professional Nurseryman Potting Soil

Terravera Universal Potting Soil

Florido Universal soil

Universal Multipurpose Potting Soil

Rugiada Humus Hydro Regulator

Specific Potting Soil for Acidophilic Plants

Specific Potting Soil for Geraniums and Flowering Plants

Specific Potting Soil for Roses and Climbing Plants

Specific Potting Soil for Citrus Plants

Manure for the Vegetable Garden

Potting Soil for Turf

Maritime Pine Bark

Scots Pine Bark

Organic Blonde Peat Moss

Organic Blond Peat Moss

TerrAgraria Bio Specific for the Vegetable Garden

Vegetable Balcony Garden

Manure for the Vegetable Garden

Ferter Pelleted Fertilizer


Specific Organic Potting Soil for Orchids

Specific Potting Soil for Succulents

Specific Soil for Succulents

Specific Potting Soil for Bonsai

Humus Terrafertile Salvapianta

White Marble Pebbles

Volcanic Lapillus

Pumice Stone Beads

Clay Pebbles

Tuff Blocks

White marble pebbles

Volcanic Lapillus


Clay Pebbles

Clay Pebbles

Bio Farm Fertilizer for Flowers and Plants

Bio Farm Fertilizer for Vegetable Garden and Fruits

Bio Farm Fertilizer for Turf

Bio Farm Fertilizer for Hedges and Shrubs

Seed selection for shady lawns

Seed selection for universal turf

The flowered balcony – Selection of 8 seed bags

The Home Garden – Selection of 8 seed bags