Organic Blond Peat Moss

The product is a soil improver composed of selected acid sphagnum peat.
It is a material obtained from the superficial layers of peat bogs.
The product is a soil improver, a material aimed at improving the chemical, physical and biological characteristics of soils.
The product is ready to use and does not require the addition of fertilizers for 2-3 weeks after use.
Ideal for the most demanding hobbies.
The product is used for the planting of tree plants as it increases water retention and facilitates rooting, or as a gradient for the preparation of growing media.
The peat layer retains moisture, keeps the soil soft, and enriches it with humus.
Instructions for use
To make soils looser and more porous: distribute a bag of peat every 3 square meters, mix with the soil and water.
For the creation of new gardens: distribute and mix with the soil, a bag of peat for every 2 sqm.
Sowing turfs: before sowing, spread 3-5 cm of peat over the entire surface and integrate it with the soil by breaking it up. Then sow, cover the seed with 1-2 cm of peat, and roll. Peat is rich in natural root stimulating substances.
Planting plants and shrubs: Mix the excavated soil with the same quantity of peat (1:1) and use it to fill in the planting holes. Then water abundantly. Place a layer of 8-10 cm of peat at the bottom of the hole.
Mulching and organic fertilization: water abundantly vegetables and flower beds, cover the soil with about 3 cm of peat.
Availability Organic Blond Peat Moss