The flowered balcony – Selection of 8 seed bags

Confezione The flowered balcony –  Selection of 8 seed bags - Euroterriflora


Sow in pots or directly in the ground at a depth of 3 cm during the indicated months. Cover with soil and provide consistent watering until blooming.

  • Gazania mix
  • Blue morning glory (Ipomea)
  • Yellow-red pansy (Viola tricolor)
  • Impatiens mix
  • Cornflower mix (Centaurea)
  • Compact dwarf lobelia
  • Dwarf petunia mix
  • Calendula mix



Sow in pots or directly in the ground at a depth of 3 cm during the indicated months. Cover with soil and provide consistent watering until blooming.

Availability The flowered balcony – Selection of 8 seed bags

The flowered balcony –  Selection of 8 seed bags - 8 bags
8 bags
n. 10 scatole/box